~ Welcome to my web page ~




Greeting and welcome to my web page. I guess one primary purposes of this web page is to simply share something about myself so I'll start with a basic description of myself. I'm 5'8, 138 lb. and 48 years old. I'm into woodworking, photography, being a homeowner and metaphysics. I enjoy spending time around the house but also like to travel. Washington State is a cool place to go (of course I would say that, I grew up there) and I love to hike in the mountains when I visit. I enjoy deep conversations about the meaning of life, why we are here and how to make the best of life. I'd much rather see life as a cooperative effort where we can interact peacefully with other people and nature rather than working against each other. I feel like it is important to preserve the beauty and resources for our children and future generations. Okay, here a little history.  

I grew up in Lynnwood Washington (near Seattle) and graduated from Lynnwood High School in 1976. My primary interests in high school included woodworking, graphic arts and photography. In my senior year I started working at Associated Graphics and worked there until I moved to Kentucky when I was 23 years old. During these 5 years I explored the Washington wilderness with a few good friends, bought my first house. Went to college for a while taking photography and got married. My new wife and I lived in Washington for a couple of years before we moved to Kentucky in 1979. She was originally from Illinois but moved to KY when she was in her early teens. After visiting her parents one Christmas we decided to move here. The cost of living was cheap and there was available employment with a large printing company where I currently work. I enjoy many aspects of Kentucky but often wonder what life would have been like if I had stayed in Washington. I don't care much for the extreme heat in the summer but over all I'd say Glasgow has better weather. Washington summers are great but the rest of the year usually cool and damp. I think what I miss the most is family and the vast wilderness. Hiking in the Washington Cascades and Olympic Mountains is something I do almost every time I visit Washington. 

During my 24-year marriage to Debbie we had 2 wonderful girls, Amy and Heather. Amy is currently going to college and Heather is in 8th grade. Amy is doing pretty well at supporting herself and going to school now. I am very proud of her and what she has accomplished. Currently she is majoring in Psychology but that could change. Heather is doing fantastic at school and always maintains straight A's. She is super active in gymnastics and school and I find it difficult to keep up with her schedule!  

Around January of 2002 my divorce was final and I went through some major changes in life. It was a big change to find myself alone but also a necessary one. We had many good years but also some difficult times and it was time to move on. After about a year of blaming Debbie or myself for the way things turned out I finally came to terms with the fact that it did not mater. Although I'm sure there will always be transitions in life I have been happy with the change for some time now. Although I am sometimes lonely I am also very happy with my new life. Happiness is a state of mind and this is what I choose to be. Around the 1st of January 2004 Debbie moved to Reno Nevada where she accepted a position as a supervisor for Donnelley (Donnelley is where we have both worked for about 25 years) and I bought what used to be our house back from her. I lived in a duplex for a couple of years and it is great to have this place back again! It is home and it feels good to be a homeowner again. While I am happy for my ex-wife there is one major negative aspect and that is, my youngest Daughter will be moving to Reno as soon as school is out this year. I will miss her tremendously! 

I'm currently doing some remodeling, landscaping and rebuilding my wood shop. I often overwhelm myself with all my goals but I'll take being a homeowner over renting any day. It's good to imagine something better and see it materialize.


 A photo album of my past

 Speaker Projects

 Thomas Dunker's Horn Speaker Page

 Krakow Poland

 Word from Willard (My dad)

 Mt. Pilchuck Hike July 2003



~ A personal profile ~


  Jethro Tull                Pink Floyd Wall Paper (from the "Pulse" CD cover)


Mark: mtw41@yahoo.com